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INSTANT ACCESS to "What to Eat for Gout" eBook

Understand and learn WHY to eat certain foods.

Know WHAT foods to eat and tastes to look for.

Discover HOW to eat, including the right way and the wrong way to grocery shop.

Learn how easy, fun, healthy, rewarding, and DELICIOUS cooking your own food can be.

Charts, tools, DIYs, and RECIPES for your gout killing laboratory (aka Your Kitchen!)

Hey, Gout Killer…

thanks for keeping up with me!! I am now drinking almost a gallon of water daily and eating the right things and have been gout free since we first started speaking…keep up the fight, you are doing a good thing!!

Sincerely, Matthew


Thanks for all the emails. For whatever I paid, it’s worth it. With work and family it’s hard to keep up with the gout sessions. I totally changed my diet and habits an so far it’s been working. Not only is the gout gone but I have lost 20 Ibs.

Best regards, Chris